From Lisa C Freeman RNC, BSN,
Lyme Awareness Cape Cod,
and Lyme Support Group
1). Protecting Your Yard:
a). Professional Yard spraying: Many companies are available. One example , “Lawn Dawg” provides environmentally friendly lawn care services to NY, MA, NH, ME, and CT homes. WWW.LAWNDAWG.COM 1-888-993-3294
b). Do it yourself yard protection: Damminix Tick Tubes® are biodegradable, cardboard tubes filled with permethrin treated cotton balls. Mice collect the cotton to use to build their nests. Deer ticks that feed on mice in the Spring and the Fall are exposed to permethrin and killed. All the while, the mice, other mammals and your pets and yard are unharmed and undisturbed. Can be purchased Toll Free 800.234.8425; Email
c). Cheaper do it yourself yard protection: You can buy permethrin from local feed and grain supply store and make tubes yourselves. Cotton soaked balls can be placed in recycled cardboard paper towel or toilet paper tubes and and place around the perimeter of your entire yard front & back.
2). Protecting Yourself and Your Children While Gardening, biking, hiking, sports etc.
a). Avon Skin So Soft can be used directly on skin full strength.
b). Clothes can be sprayed directly. Bob Bersin Brewster DPW Superintendent has two suggestions. His DPW workers spray permethrin on their clothes. For children to protect against mosquitos, flys etc He recommends a natural mixture of Clove, Wintergreen, olive oil, water sprayed directly on children & clothes. This may also work against ticks.
c). Permethrin protective clothing can also be purchased.
3). Protecting Your Pet:
a). Advantix or Frontline Plus. There are conflicting reports if Frontline Plus is still effective? One person recounted that it caused neurological symptoms in their dog. Use under supervision of your vet.
b). Clip your pets closely and do not allow outdoors for long periods.
c). Natural alternative repellant may be “Sergeant’s Nature’s Guardian Flea and Tick repellant” contains natural thyme clove oils etc. This does really work. We have used for over a year with good results. Can be used on humans also.
Check yourself, your children and your pets frequently for ticks. The tick does NOT have to be embedded for long periods to transmit disease. Periods of attachment for as little as only TWO HOURS (not 24 as previously thought) have proven to transmit disease.!!